Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Drywall, Trim, and Closets.... an update.

Well, it's official I have a full fledged cold. UGH! Nothing special to report on the remodeling front. DH is continuing to mud the drywall in the room, and even said we would be ready to paint by the weekend. Shocker! Sure hope the color looks right. We have to prime the walls first, as the color is a darker blue. I haven't even tested my auditions yet. We also plan on replacing the trim, room by room in the house, as we can afford it. Since this room is already disassembled, dh plans of taking off the baseboard molding, and door and window trim before he paints this weekend. I have to go to Lowe's or Home Depot to check out the trim again. I may even have to find a lumber store. Perhaps they have specialty trims that you don't readily find at the big home improvement centers. (I think he may actually have to build the trim for the windows and doors....but I'm not going to share that with him until I know for sure.) Eek! Here's a picture of the new closet position drywalled. Just waiting for the last few coats of mud...and then primer.

One thing you will find as you read about our remodeling......I design it and dh builds it. Can I tell you how blessed I am that this man likes to remodel, and basically will try to build whatever I design? He is truly gifted in getting things done, and while I may have the vision, it is he who helps me bring it to fruition.

So, speaking of design, I have also begun to design the boys closets. I had a brainstorm take hold yesterday... there is a small wall space between the closets. On the inside I am going to have dh build shelves, which I will have made to measure for those canvas fabric bins. This will hold some of their toys animals etc. Then next to the shelves we will double hang dowels rods for their clothes. It will be good to utilize all the closet space we have, leaving very little as wasted space.

It's funny because of all the remodeling we have done since we moved into this house, we remodeled 3 closets this far! You can't really see our progress, as it is all behind closed doors. But this is what I think.... for me, it's gotta be an organized, workable space. This is especially true for closets. I don't know why, but if your closet is workable, then most of your stuff around your house will go to a proper place and the whole house will feel less cluttered. I can't stand to open a closet and have everything be falling out all over the place. I guess I'm a little weird... Currently their clothes are being hung in one closet in the playroom. Their clothes are stuffed in tight, with hangers sticking out all over the place! I somehow have grown into this more organized person over the years, and that closet in there is killing me! I don't even want to look at it! So, the faster the new closets get up and running the better for my sanity! LOL! Here's a photo of the temporary closet! Yikes!


Susan said...

Do I see a carpet patch??? :O) I think you are an awesome woman Jackie for many different reasons!!

Mama Fish said...

LOL! Yep, it's not officially patched yet, just laying there....but dh said, it will work! You are so sweet!

jeannie said...

HA! The Closet looks like my house... HeHe....