Sunday, April 15, 2007

Now the rain comes!

Yes, it's been raining off and on all day and cold! This is some serious fireplace weather today. Too bad we won't be around long enough to sit in front of one. Oh well, its supposed to get up into the 60's this week, so I look forward to that. I indeed woke up with the same nasty sore throat, which I attribute to this cold front we have had. I sure hope I feel better soon!

The room continues to be in demolition mode, only far worse. Just about every tool of dh's is in there. Both of my boys decided to bring up their own tool boxes as well, so add that to the mix. They decided they wanted to build a doghouse out of scrap pieces of drywall, and wood etc. We don't have a dog mind you, but it's for if we ever get one. :-) So lots of mess, and dh should be mudding the drywall he hung. He's planning on fixing a huge section of poorly plastered wall (courtesy of the previous owner). I took a picture of that, so when he fixes it, I'll post both.

I also selected two paint colors at Lowes today and dh is bringing home the little auditions samples. If you haven't heard of auditions it is a great idea at Lowes. Basically it's a little can of the paint you are thinking about, and you can "audition" it onto your walls and see if it works in your room, and with your furnishings. I seem to go through several small auditions until I find the right color for a room. Picking paint is not my forte. I just am so color sensitive, and if the undertones in a color are off, then it won't work for me. A lot of people tell me they can't see that... sometimes I wish that were me, it would make selecting paint easier! I picked my first color pretty quickly, so I am optimistic....but you never know until you see it on the wall and in a room. (Or at least I don't) LOL!

I'll post more after we have painted the room, or when he has the closet door back up. And a big thank you to Susan for sending the HGTV website with instructions on how to plug in a piece of carpet. DH, doesn't know it yet, but that's what we're gonna do. It's free and the piece is almost big enough. I think it will work just fine. So thanks again!

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