Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Weeds in the Garden.....

They know, they just know where to grow, how to dupe you, and how to camouflage themselves among the perfectly respectable plants, they just know, and therefore, I've concluded weeds must have brains. ~Dianne Benson, Dirt, 1994

Weeds, weeds weeds.... I probably would not have noticed them, had it not been for baseball season. As I have mentioned in previous posts, it's baseball season, and those of you who have kids who play ball, know how often we find ourselves at the field. My boys are in different leagues, and so are on two teams with quite different schedules. Last week we found ourselves at the ballpark every night of the week, but one. As I drove on our street last night, I noticed nicely manicured lawns, and then I got to my house. The grass would soon be up to the kids knees! I'm sure the neighbors have kept their kids home, because you never know what could be lurking in that grass. :-) So, you could actually tell our family plays baseball, and we've been away from home for many nights.

I called dh today, and was commenting on the grass. He is supposed to go and have a practice session with the kids, like we don't get enough baseball.... So, I mention the grass, and since we are done with work/school for the day, I ask if he can walk me through how to operate the mower. Ever so enthusiastically, because he knows this in the end will help him, dh explains each step to starting and running the mower. So, I hang up with him and get her started, pop her into 3rd and away I go. (Not sure if I should have started in 1st and slid her into 3rd... but I'll ask later). As I'm mowing our large side yard, where the kids play baseball and football, I am noticing how bad it looks. (I guess I don't see it from the road, or I try not to look). Bare patches everywhere, and weeds galore. I don't even know what all the dumb weeds are called, but I know two...onion and clover. I'm just mowing around and around, going over divots of dirt and bumps of grass. We even hired a service to help us get the weeds under control. They have been out once and are due out again, but how discouraging. I read that you shouldn't even seed until fall, so am I going to have to live with it this year? I may just overseed anyway.

So, I am on a mission....to have a beautiful lush lawn in two years. I know it won't get there overnight, but I am determined to work on it! BTW- Isn't this flower bed gorgeous???? I think I would like to plant something like that around a border of my side yard.... beautiful!!


jeannie said...

Jackie~ So have you found you a NEW thing? Cutting the grass! I LOVE cutting the grass as long as I can Ride...

Mama Fish said...

Nope, I can't say I like cutting the grass. But I'll do it when I have to. I forgot to mention that the steering wheel on the tractor is sort of loose and broken, and so I felt like I couldn't control it well enough. :-) (I think dh really needs to get it fixed.)