Thursday, April 12, 2007

It's Gonna Rain! Yippee!

I'm sure you're wondering why in the world I would be so excited about rain. Well, you see we have had a baseball game every night this week except Wednesday. (And Wednesday's we have committments at our church). So, in looking at the weather forecast for Saturday... this is what I saw: 100% chance of RAIN! 100%! I hardly ever see the chance of rain at 100%.

So, I'm talking to dh tonight and we will be planning on what materials we need at Lowes. It's gonna be a work weekend!! I'm so excited! I'll post those "before" pictures of the boys room, maybe tomorrow. (Once I take them of course). We haven't had time for a work on the house weekend in quite some time. So this is gonna be fun! :-) I'll post tomorrow what we plan to accomplish, after we have had time to discuss it. I'm the optomist in this situation and my list is a mile long, where dh is the realist and knocks the thing down to what he feels can actually get done. It's usually not a lot. LOL! Oh well, it's nice to dream isn't it?

1 comment:

Susan said...

I don't want rain on Saturday!! That's my day to hit the yard sales. :o) Can't wait to see some more befores and afters.