Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A quiet rain....

What a lovely day. About mid-morning the already grey skies began to quietly rain. Not your hard, wind swept storm that blows in and out quickly. No this was a gentle rain, that all the plants and grass outside desperately needed. It's the kind that sinks into the ground, leaving very little for run off. This is the kind of rain, that I like to listen to.... perhaps open a window to my bedroom, or sit on my front porch and watch the birds search for worms that have made their way up to the surface. Everything seems to slow down here when it rains....and I find that I like it. I have a moment of quiet as the kiddos are at their Tuesday activity. I think I'll take a moment, sip some coffee and watch the rain. These days don't come around too often for me...and I'd like to enjoy it.

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